Many commercial and corporate events have been transferred to online platforms with excellent results. Digital communications in real time have shown a powerful impact at the level of engagement in social networks. If you want your virtual event to be successful , you just have to follow the following recommendations. 

1. Define your goals 

To define the objectives of your virtual event, the first thing you should do is map with your work area what you are looking specifically for this transmission. Do you want to generate engagement? Sell more? Generate awereness? Knowing what you want to achieve will allow you to set smart goals.

Once you have that answer, you can apply the OKR system (objectives and key results), which is made up of three axes:

  • The objectives
  • Actions to achieve the objectives
  • Measurement of the implemented objectives

2. Choose the correct platform

One of the most important decisions is which platform you will use to broadcast the event. The good news is that most of the options are very secure, streaming platforms have evolved a lot in the last year. The most recommended options are:

Free Platforms

  • ☛ Youtube 
  • ☛ Facebook Live
  • ☛ Instagram Live
  • ☛ VIMEO
  • ☛ Google Meet

Payment platforms

  • ☛ Zoom Business 
  • ☛ Stream Yard
  • ☛ Akamai
  • ☛ Stealthseminar

3. Choose sponsors for the event

The sponsors within the events are an important factor, therefore, you must get them so that they promote the objective to be achieved. In addition, obtaining them is easier virtually because there are companies interested in investing in online events. 

How do I know which sponsor is the best?

  • Study the possible companies, that is, that have added value to what you offer or sell.
  • Investigate on their virtual platforms if they have previously sponsored other companies. 
  • Do not exceed sponsorships, remember to only hire the necessary companies that provide valuable content to the participants.

A key point in contacting the sponsors is to give them the guarantee of profit. Since this way, as your concern because they contribute utility to the event is a priority, they expect the same.

4. Create a communication strategy prior to the event 

Don’t let the audience know about the event the day before, communications should be just as strong as ever. Plan a content strategy to announce the activity at least two weeks in advance (preferably more if the event is paid), in this way you can allow time for registration and digital positioning.

In addition, use tools so that the invitations are added to the agenda of your attendees and build a chain of emails that serve as a reminder at least once a week from the registration, one day before the event and minutes before starting.

5. Dedicate time to the presentation, speech or content of the event

Take the time and create a list of the content that will be shown during the event. If it is a webinar or a corporate meeting, you should worry about creating a good presentation.

Develop a script

This guide serves to organize the ideas to expose and control the time, before this, avoid reading the slides because it will take away the professionalism of the presentation. An additional point is, do not be afraid of improvisation.

Memorable presentation

Remember that you will be in front of a professional and non-professional audience, the image you provide in the presentation will be remembered. It is for this reason that the appearance of the presentation must be consistent with what you want to sell, if the presentation is an image then strive to design slides that reinforce what you say. 

Connect with your audience

Within the presentation you must show information in statistics that have an impact on their organizations, so the link of interest will increase. Another important part of a virtual event is the round of questions, it is essential that you are prepared and with the best answers to test the degree of experience of the event. 

 6. Keep track of attendees 

After the event it is important that you follow up with potential clients to know the impression of the presentation. To do this, it is recommended that you send an email with additional or complementary information about the event, you can also include a survey to find out their perceptions. That way, viewers will know that you are important to them and that the contact is being maintained. At the end of the email you can add CTA for a personalized appointment. 

What are the tips for running a successful event?

From the aforementioned, you already have the knowledge and security to carry out a virtual event with a better impact. Also, keep in mind that if you follow the advice outlined, organizing quality events will be your specialty.

Send a reminder to guests 

Virtual events have reminders that facilitate time management, which can be distributed by mail. Within the mailings you can add information on topics to be discussed, names of the speakers and the schedule of presentations. 

Implement Networking

The companies that attend the event need to generate links with others, so it is important that you create a group of participants.

Design a Networking room for entrepreneurs who wish to dialogue with each other, within this they will exchange business ideas.

Events program

Making a calendar is important, because many attendees will be more interested in some papers compared to others. As we mentioned, this calendar can be attached by mail as an image. Also, there are apps that are responsible for creating and sharing it so that digitization is more interactive. 

So you are convinced to make your event virtual? Make sure to redefine the objectives, promote the event, create quality content and interact with the participants. Through the 6 keys you will have a quality event.