Pinterest is surely one of the most interesting tools that exist but, also, the one that lends itself the most for us to apply resources in the wrong way. If you want to know how to use it in your business, this article is for you.

Here we tell you what Pinterest is and what are the best strategies to include it in your visibility campaign and spread your business.

What is

Pinterest is a visual-type social network where you can share photos and graphics and all kinds of audiovisual material. It is characterized by its red logo and its appearance of a notice board.

It is a great tool for capturing various ideas on the way to a project and also for observing trends. You can easily upload images, organize items, archive ideas, and share other people’s ideas.

The ideal niches for this social network are those related to the world of fashion, cooking and crafts. However, it is suitable for any sector. Even thanks to the detailed Pins or Richs Pin (which we will talk about later), it is highly recommended for news blogs or journalistic information sites.

As you can see, this is not a normal social network. It has its own interaction system and it is because of it that in recent years it has been proposed as one of the great tools for digital marketing .

What is Pinterest for?

Although the most popular sectors on Pinterest are those related to design, it is a useful network for anyone. Its great versatility resides in the fact that you can share content of different types and thanks to its efficient search engine (we will talk about it in the last section) it ensures that the content hosted on its servers acquires great visibility.

On Pinterest you can tell various stories using images ( infographics ), you can find and share strange or curious ideas (in a format that you will not find on other social networks). Among its peculiarities it should be noted that you can not only follow people or brands, but also specific content, styles. In this way, in a short time you will be able to absorb and organize a large number of ideas developed and shared by others in a simple way. That is, it allows you to have your information organized as well as the information that other users share through your boards with topics of interest or favorite projects. That is why it is said that it is a social network with a horizontal structure.

How can you organize all of this? It is very simple. Once you have your account you can search for content through keywords and everything you find you can pin it, that is, add it to your boards (we explain this better in the next point) and organize it in a favorites or recommended list.

One of the main advantages of using Pinterest for your brand is that you will be able to establish contact with other projects in your same niche and be inspired. In addition, there are ways to collaborate with other users, which could be ideal if you want to take advantage of this social network .

Pinterest basics

Before continuing, we are going to clarify some things that make Pinterest authentic and that every user should know in order to use it correctly.

On Pinterest you can find people who are working on your same topic. And this is one thing you should do, look for similar projects, because that way you will be able to establish contacts and make yourself more visible. So don’t hesitate to follow those projects or brands that interest you or pin their boards .

Something that you should not forget when using Pinterest is the importance of tagging . Users usually perform searches according to their needs, the better you classify your content, the more likely you are to see it.

Another thing that you should not forget is that this social network is essential if you have an online store ; Not only because it allows great visibility, but because many buyers consult the network daily before making a purchase, which could serve as a powerful channel for attracting customers.

Pinterest terminology

As we already told you, Pinterest is a social network that works with its own system. Here we present the terminology of Pinterest , which will be extremely useful to use this tool correctly.

Pin: A post on Pinterest is called a “Pin.” It consists of a vertical image with a link that leads to an external page.

Repin: An image of you that is shared by someone else is called a “repin.” This is what is known on Facebook as «Share», on Twitter it is «Retweeting» and on Instagram it is called «Regram».

Pinners: Followers on Pinterest are called “Pinners.” Anyone who uses the network and saves their images in a profile of this social network will receive this name.

Pin Description: When sharing an image you should not forget to write a short description; But, above all, you should not forget about the labels that, as we told you, are essential for visibility on this social network.

“Pin it” button: One way to give visibility to your Pinterest account is by adding a plugin to your site that allows your users to add your images to their boards with a simple click.

Boards: On Pinterest your images are organized in different folders called “Boards”. It is very important that you order your boards correctly to reach a wide audience. People interested in a certain category will thus be able to see your images and follow your brand.

Sub boards: Boards can also contain subcategories, which are sub-folders called “sub-boards”. It can be very useful to subdivide your boards, especially if you have a lot of related content and want to keep it well diversified.

Group Boards: One of the most interesting ways to share content on Pinterest is by using “Group Boards.” You create boards and ask people or brands to add content to them. Thanks to this strategy, your pins will have a greater range.

Secret boards: You can also have your own private lists on Pinterest. You can create dashboards and keep them private, so only you can see them. It is very useful if you want to keep lists of things that interest you but have nothing to do with your brand, for example.

Why should your business use Pinterest?

Without a doubt, making good use of Pinterest for your brand can be a great idea. You can achieve this with a little effort and dedication.

The main reasons why you should incorporate this social network into your strategy are:

Large user base

More and more brands are relying on Pinterest to boost their visibility. As soon as you try it, you will see that there are many and varied users who use it. This will allow you not only to present yourself in front of many people but also to ensure that your content can be found by a wide audience.

Visual platform

It is a very practical way to show your work concisely. You will be able to clearly show the activity to which you dedicate yourself without having to carry out texts and explanations. Sometimes a picture speaks louder than a thousand words, right?

Comercial activity

It is ideal to present your business activity. Because the idea of ​​organizing your content and your products through dashboards is fantastic. When you try it, you will agree with us.

Brand exposure

Thanks to the positioning of Pinterest you will be able to give your brand a fabulous level of exposure, which will allow you to grow a lot.

How to create a Pinterest profile

If you have not tried Pinterest yet and want to know how to do it, we will tell you step by step below.

1. Go to

You should know that you can have your account for free. You just have to go to and complete the fields that the form asks for.

2. Choose your language and location, and enter the name of your business

Defining the language and location is important, because it will make it easier for many people in that geographic context to find you. The name of your account should correspond to that of your business, so that it is easier to locate you.

3. Connect your other social platforms

This step is important. Connect your other social profiles with your Pinterest account; In this way you can create an influx of followers between some networks and others.

4. Determine if you want to post ads on Pinterest

We recommend that you start working without advertising, until you are completely familiar with the social network; in order to know what content you should advertise. But don’t forget to give importance to this Pinterest advantage of advertising yourself.

5. Edit your profile

Complete the profile fields. Try not to forget the fundamental data of your project, to make it easier for them to get to know you.

6. Claim your website analytics

This step will let you know how your content is working; For this reason, we recommend that you do not overlook it.

7. Start creating and pinning

Now yes! Start uploading your images, pinning. Share what others are doing and create a good community of pinners on your new social network.

How to create boards, add pins, and follow other users

Using Pinterest correctly is not complicated. You simply have to upload your images and classify them correctly . Assemble well-defined boards, with labels that can be used so that many people find what you upload. We also recommend that you follow other users to expand your network and stay connected with people who do things that interest you. To do this, you just have to enter the profile of a user that you like and start following them. You can also add their boards that you like the most.

How to use Pinterest for business

If you ask yourself this question, here are some tips that, applied, do not fail.

1. Share creative, inspirational and actionable pins

Use all your creativity to produce content that can be interesting to a potential audience. Try to join concepts through surprising images, share them, inspire others and surely many people will share your images and help you make them viral.

2. Look at the trending topics and keywords

Check the trends. Staying up-to-date with what your audience sees is important in order to create content . For this purpose, we have the Pinterest Trends tool . At the moment it only tracks content shared in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada; however, it is expected to be available in Spain very soon. In any case, it does not hurt to know the trends of these points, which are the great capitals of the cyber world.

3. Advertise on Pinterest

If you want your content to be well visible, don’t hesitate to advertise on Pinterest . Through advertising you will have many more options for users who may be interested in your brand to see it and contact you.

4. Study Pinterest analytics

To find out which images work and which do not, the ideal is that you are constantly attentive to the results of the views. Consulting the analytics offered by the social network and establishing a firm study on them is essential to discover what is the most appropriate way to proceed.

5. Add the Pin it button to your website

On your website you cannot miss the “Pin it” button . With it, automatically, people who visit your site will be able to share your content through their accounts on this social network. They will thus be able to add you to their boards and make your images have a better chance of conquering a larger audience.

6. Create fun and unique content

We need joy, so the content that works best is the one that promotes optimism and makes us laugh. Make up any excuse to contact your users and draw their attention from positive energy and originality. With that, you will have a large part of the road traveled.

7. Use the Rich Pins

Another great Pinterest tool is “Rich Pins”, which consists of creating specialized content with detailed information about the image being shared. There are “Rich Pins” for recipes, for products, for travel and even for informational articles. It is a great alternative to give visibility to your content and your brand.

8. Participate and create group boards

Try group boards because they are another great way to get visibility. Choose who to build them with, invite those brands or people who may be interested in your work and start creating shared content that can be easily moved on this diverse social network.

9. Think of Pinterest as a search engine

Pinterest is a great way to get visibility. If you do any search on Google, some of the first answers will be content from this social network. If you think about it and manage to be present with force, you will achieve that your content is positioned in an unsuspected way in the search engines. Pinterest is a social network that, thought of as a search engine , provides incredible results for brands.


As you will see, Pinterest is not a very complex social network; By taking into account a series of ideas and tips, you can develop an extremely useful campaign for your brand .

The only thing you should keep in mind is that to start you must understand how it works and put into practice a series of ideas that will help your visibility. Try Pinterest and you will notice in no time a big difference in the efficiency of your brand.

We hope we have explained in detail why you should use Pinterest with your brand . If you have questions, leave us a comment and we will try to help you answer them.