You’ve just created a new article for your readers after logging into the WordPress admin panel. You are ready to click the “Publish” button and carry on with your everyday tasks.

Not so quickly, though! Because you need to make sure that it is SEO-friendly if you care that the content you have spent valuable time creating will be found by people searching for the topic in search engines.

If you run a WordPress site, you should optimize your blog for SEO to gain more visibility online. Greater visibility for your blog and more organic visitors will come from higher rankings on Google and other key search engines.

Additionally, we are not referring to light traffic. The first Google search results page receives 91.5 percent of traffic for a given keyword or phrase, claims the Search Engine Journal. About 32.5 percent of that traffic is directed solely to the top result.

While there isn’t a secret method to manipulate Google’s algorithm, you may take measures to optimize your content, formatting, and code with the help of top content writing companies to ensure search engines can quickly identify and index your website. Let’s look at these procedures closely.

Let’s start.

Do keyword research before you start writing

It’s a necessary step to perform keyword research before you start writing. You must ascertain the keywords your target market uses to dominate the search results in the Google index. These are the subjects you must write about, and these are the phrases you must use.

Keywords are still a crucial component of SEO. Before writing an article, do keyword research to determine the precise search terms people use to find the content you are producing. For instance, according to Ahrefs, “SEO guide” only receives an estimated 2,000 monthly searches, but “SEO course” gets an estimated 11,000 monthly global searches. With this information, it’s evident that you should center your content around the top keywords to increase readership.

It’s time to start writing once you’ve completed your keyword research and have a list of focus keywords to write about.

Provide Links to Existing Related Content

Remember to include links from previous blogs if you have written content on the same topic as your current post. It will strengthen your new and existing blog posts because you will show your authority on the subject. On-page SEO depends on internal links. You may make it easier for search engines to find all of your content on a particular topic by connecting it to your related content. Your chances of ranking for the relevant keywords will increase as a result.

You may give your readers a better experience and encourage them to stay on your website longer by linking to other valuable posts and sites. Additionally, your link structure affects how well you rank in Google. When you publish a new post, you can manually link your pages. Alternatively, you can utilize a plugin to automate the process of creating internal links.

A premium WordPress plugin called Link Whisperer uses artificial intelligence to recommend links when you begin writing in WordPress automatically. Take some time to link your earlier content since it will assist the search engine in identifying relationships between the many content ranges on the website.

Add content regularly; emphasize quality

Yes, content is still king. You will tell Google that your website is active by consistently publishing fresh blog posts. This is essential because if your website is not active, then Google will crawl it less frequently, which may affect your rankings. But resist the urge to post merely for the sake of posting. Ensure all your content is of the highest quality: informative, well-written articles that engage readers and fit their search intent.

Making an editorial schedule for your blog could be an excellent idea if you find it tough to write frequently. It’s a good idea to update them sometimes to keep your old blog entries from becoming stale. This enables you to organize this procedure to work for you and your team.

The search engine algorithms continuously assess the quality and relevance of the content shared on the website. Therefore, consider these recommendations if you want your WordPress SEO content efforts to be successful.

Build your content around relevant keywords by researching extensively to identify terms that appeal to your audience and search engine crawlers. This will increase the likelihood that relevant searches will turn up your content. To find effective keywords in your niche, you can utilize programs like Ahrefs Keywords Explorer, Semrush and You can choose the keywords you should use in your article by using Semrush’s Keyword Overview function.

Revise Your Permalink Settings

Making your website user-friendly involves organizing your permalinks around the many keywords associated with your products, services, and locations.

A permalink is a permanent URL on your WordPress site that points to a specific post or page. By default, WordPress employs a simple permalink structure, which means that your URLs will be assigned a series of numbers and question marks randomly to distinguish one from the other. While this default setting works quite well, neither readers nor search engine crawlers can understand the content or importance of your posts thanks to it.

As a remedial measure, you can add the keywords you are targeting in your post to your permalink structure with just one click. This allows search engines to read your URLs and decide whether your website contains specific search requests. Simply choose the “Post Name” option under Settings > Permalink.

Optimize Your Meta Descriptions and Page Titles

Two important factors for SEO are page names and meta descriptions. They provide information about your post or page’s content and your URLs on search engine results pages (SERPs). They assist web crawlers from search engines in determining the relevance of your content and matching it with relevant search terms.

Include keywords for which you need to rank in your titles and meta descriptions and make sure they are the right length. Try to keep titles and meta descriptions to 60 and 160 characters, respectively. Make sure to frontload your keywords if your title is longer. In this manner, even if the title is cut off in SERPs at the end, searchers will still view your piece as relevant.

Final thoughts

WordPress offers a stable foundation for SEO and is adaptable and straightforward to use. However, as a CMS, it can only take you so far. You must complete a few additional tasks if you are serious about ranking on Google.

Although this list of five steps is not all-inclusive, it is a decent place to start when optimizing your content for search engines. Increasing traffic is the first step in achieving your website’s goals, including promoting your work or informing visitors of the most recent news. In other words, the more visitors your website receives, the simpler it will be to attract and keep an audience. Increase the visibility and rating of your WordPress site using the SEO strategies discussed above to advance your brand.